Kid Zone is our optional children’s worship time, during the Sunday, 9:30 AM service. We worship with songs and learn about God from the Bible using tools like video, drama, puppets and more. Kid Zone is available for kids K-6th Grade.
Kid Zone is led by Diane Dold, children’s minister. We utilize four teams that service once a month to minister in Kid Zone. Team members include kids 5th grade and older to adult members of T&B.
Sunday Mornings - Children's Church
WORSHIP During each Kid Zone we spend time singing active worship songs to God. We always try to have the lyrics on a screen so everyone can participate, whether they’ve heard the song before or not. We also serve communion for those who have been baptized.
TEACHING Each week we learn stories and lesson from the Bible. We use various tools to help tell and apply the lesson such as puppets, drama, videos, object lesson and more.
FUN Who said church wasn’t fun? We laugh and enjoy ourselves as we share and learn together. We use games and activities that help apply the lesson to add to our time together. We also want kids to build friendships with both kids and staff while they are with us.
We are currently using a Trading Post theme as the setting for our Kid Zone program.