Easter Sunday Schedule

On Sunday, March 31, everyone will gather together for a special time of worship, along with an activity called the “Flowering of the Cross.” There will be no Kid Zone, Preschool Station or Bible classes meeting this morning. Nursery facilities are available for your use as needed. Following the worship, everyone will be invited outside where children in the Sixth grade and younger are invited to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt, outside, on the grounds. Children are encouraged to bring Easter baskets or sacks to gather the eggs. There will be three sections divided by age. We invite everyone to stick around for the hunt.


"Flowering of the Cross"

This year at Easter, our congregation will have the opportunity to participate in the Flowering of the Cross. This visual experience will remind us of the life and beauty of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

This will be a unique way to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord. The time begins with a barren cross, “an emblem of suffering and shame” as the old hymn proclaims. But as each person decorates the cross with fresh, living flowers and greenery, it is transformed and what was a symbol of death becomes a symbol of resurrection and life. And again from the old hymn, something that holds “a wondrous attraction for me.” This time will clearly illustrate and highlight the transition from death, darkness, pain and hopelessness to life, light, joy and hope.

Please bring fresh flowers and greenery (just one or two individual flowers, you won’t need a large amount). You can pick wild flowers, gather flowers from your own yard, or purchase them.  At the appropriate time the congregation will be asked to come forward as they are ready and place their flowers on the cross. The cross will be wrapped in a material that will hold the flowers. Some can come on stage and decorate the upper parts of the cross while others can stay on the floor and decorate the lower parts of the cross. 

This is something the whole family will participate in. There will be no Pre-School Station or Kid Zone that morning. All children will be in the worship gathering and will participate with their family in the flowering of the cross.